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Focus on... Muna Abusulayman...

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Like her American counterpart, Muna Abusulayman hosted a talk show "Kalam Nawa'im" on the pan-Arab channel MBC, one of the most popular programs in the Arab world.

A first, and what's more for a Saudi woman, because for her, hosting a show was taboo until then.


Abaya Muna Abusulayman

On this perfume ad in Abaya Dubai


She also distinguished herself in other fields such as international relations and business, and later became director of the Al Waleed bni Talal Foundation, where she supervised multi-million dollar projects for charities, natural disasters and the promotion of dialogue with the West.

This is a real revolution in the status of women in Saudi Arabia, as Saudi women have always had a limited choice in career guidance.

In 2006, she was appointed as a Goodwill Ambassador by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and was also recognized as a young leader by the World Economic Forum. She advocates the idea that the profile of the Arab businesswoman is not new, that it has always existed and highlights the importance of "green business", i.e. taking into account the environment and the ecosystem.


Here in Red Hijab


A woman of conviction and talent, Muna Abusulayman brilliantly combines femininity and a professional career with a high level of responsibility. She has been involved in the textile industry for some time now, working on her own clothing line.

No sector is beyond her reach: from animation to charities, without forgetting the business world, Muna Abusulayman is more than ever an accomplished woman and representative of the Arab woman of the 21st century.
The status of women in Arabia has contributed considerably to the rehabilitation of Muna Abusulayman, and she's not a bad woman at that. And that's because she's not a bad woman either!

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